Flea Market Form

We’ve added a flea market form you can complete and bring with you prior to Expo or we will have hard copies on hand you can use during the event to list any items you would like to offer up for sale. Provided below is a link to download the Excel file as well as a PDF that you can print out.

Please be sure to leave the following fields blank, as they will be filled out on-site during Expo:

  • Seller at Game Table # (seller location) - filled out by Seller

  • Buyer Name/Table # and Buyer Mobile Phone - filled out by Buyer

All tables will be numbered at CSW Expo, so you can list what table # you are at, and you can always update/change your table # should you move to a new location. Of course, providing a mobile phone number is extremely helpful as well so you can reach the seller/buyer by text as well.


Update! Here is a download for a PDF with fillable form fields…even easier to use thanks to Drew Linenberger!

John Kranz